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If you prefer to use the traditional method of inserting shortcodes into your website's content, our plugin also provides shortcodes for embedding the frontend reservation widgets. Shortcodes offer a convenient way to place the widgets on specific pages, posts, or even within theme template files, or tricky places.

The main shortcode is:


Shortcodes can have attributes to configure the desired behaviour.

Limit services

If you want to display only some services, then you can provide the services attribute:

[tbk-calendar services="service_id_1, service_id_2"]
Where is the ID of a service?

You can take note of the ID of a service in Service > General settings

Limit providers

If you want to display only some providers, then you can provide the providers attribute:

[tbk-calendar providers="2, 3, 5"]

The number represents the ID of the provider - i.e. the WordPress user ID - that you can see in the Providers tab.

Changing the display mode

The view attribute drives the widget display mode.


To display a list of upcoming time slots, use the following:

[tbk-calendar view="upcoming"]

The number of displayed time slots can be specified as well. The following will display 6 upcoming time slots:

[tbk-calendar view="upcoming" displayed-events="6"]

You can also allow the loading of more slots:

[tbk-calendar view="upcoming" displayed-events="6" show-more="yes"]

In that case, the maximum number of time slots that can be loaded can be specified as well:

[tbk-calendar view="upcoming" displayed-events="6" show-more="yes" upcoming-limit="12"]

Reservations list

To display the list of reservations for the current WordPress user, use the following:

[tbk-calendar view="reservations"]

Unscheduled services

To display a list of unscheduled services, use the following:

[tbk-calendar view="unscheduled"]

Please note that unscheduled services are not displayed by default, as the default widget mode is calendar. In order to allow booking for unscheduled services, you must use a widget with the view attribute set as unscheduled.


The read-only attribute makes the widget to be read-only (no bookings are allowed):

[tbk-calendar read-only="yes"]


The logged-only attribute makes the widget to allow booking only to registered WordPress users.

[tbk-calendar logged-only="yes"]

Combining attributes

Shortcode attributes can be combined to achieve mixed configurations:

[tbk-calendar view="upcoming" services="service_id_1" providers="3, 7" read-only="yes"]