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Additional new features

Customer reservations control

This setting empowers administrators to individually regulate the booking capabilities of each customer. Whether it's due to specific agreements, special circumstances, or any other reason, this feature ensures that reservation capabilities can be tailored to each customer's situation.

When this setting is deactivated for a specific customer, that customer will be unable to make any new reservations. However, this doesn't affect other customers, allowing for a granular approach to booking management.

If a customer is restricted from making reservations, administrators can customize the message that is returned to them. This ensures clear communication tailored to the specific situation or agreement.

To set up these configurations, navigate to the Customers section. From there, select the desired customer, access their settings, and proceed to the Advanced tab.


Customers and providers timezone control

Historically, the timezone for service providers was locked to the system's (WordPress) timezone. This rigidity could lead to potential misalignments in communication. For customers, their timezone was determined at the point of reservation and was tied directly to that specific reservation. This meant that the timezone was static, without the flexibility to edit or adjust it post-reservation.

Administrators can now actively set or modify the timezone for any registered customer or service provider. This ensures that all email communications, reminders, and notifications are timely and relevant to the recipient's local time.

Beyond just setting the initial timezone, administrators have the flexibility to make adjustments as needed, offering a more adaptable communication framework.

To set or modify the timezone for a customer, navigate to the Customers section. Choose the desired customer and access their settings.

Similarly, to adjust the timezone for a provider, go to the Providers section, select the appropriate provider and access their settings.

Preliminary confirmation email to customers

For services that necessitate approval for new reservations, the confirmation email to the customer used to be postponed until after approval. Previously, the sole acknowledgment a customer received was a message from the booking widget, indicating that their reservation was successfully logged and was pending approval.

In response to user feedback, we've introduced an immediate notification email. Now, right after making a reservation, customers receive an email confirmation, offering them more immediate assurance about their booking. Once the reservation is approved, the usual confirmation email is sent to reaffirm the finalized booking details.

Date input in booking form

We've added a new date field type to the reservation form builder. With this enhancement, customers can effortlessly select a date using an intuitive datepicker interface.