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Google Project setup

A Google Project acts as a bridge, comprising settings, APIs, authentication credentials, and other resources that empower applications to communicate with Google services, such as Google Calendar.

For TheBooking, this bridge is essential. The Google Project provides the plugin with the necessary credentials and configurations to securely interface with Google Calendar. This connection allows the plugin to manage events on Google Calendar, reflecting bookings, and even fetch availability details to present to customers.

Here's a step-by-step guide on creating and tailoring a Google Project specifically for TheBooking.

Please note

You only need a single Google Project for TheBooking, regardless of how many Google Accounts you want to connect. The individual responsible for the plugin's installation should set up this Google Project and handle the configuration. After this foundational step, you or a service provider can connect their own Google Account to the plugin by initiating an authorization procedure within the plugin's backend. The process is straightforward and only requires the Google Account credentials.


You do not need to activate any Cloud Trial or paid storage option. Also, google changes the console aspect from time to time. If you feel that this guide is not updated to the current state, just drop a message to our support.

Step 1

Log into your Google Account.

Step 2

Open the Google API Console (the link should open the page in a new tab). If a Google Cloud free trial banner appears on top, just dismiss it. Note that * *Create a project** should appear in the dropdown.

Google Project 1


If you have other Google Projects in your Google API console, one of them is automatically selected and the console notifies you that you are going to edit it. Don't do it: create a new Google Project instead, as per screenshots below ( click to open).

Creating a project when another project is selected

Google Project 1-1 Google Project 1-2 Google Project 1-3 Google Project 1-4

Step 3

The Google Calendar API are enabled. Click Go to credentials.

Google Project 2


In case you don't see the Go to credentials button, navigate the menu to reach the credentials section.

How to reach the credentials section

Google Project 2-1

Step 4

Click on Configure consent screen.

Google Project 3

Select the External option and click on Create.

Step 5

In the next step oAuth consent screen, choose an App name (it can be anything, take note of it as you have to provide it in TeamBooking later).

Select the User support email from the dropdown.

Under Developer contact information insert your Gmail address (it can be equal to the User support email).

Then click Save and continue.

Google Project 4

Step 6

In the next 2 steps (Scopes and Test users), DO NOTHING. Just hit Save and continue.

Google Project 5

At the Summary step, hit Back to dashboard.

Google Project 6

Step 7

Now click on Publish app and confirm.

Google Project 7

Step 8

Back in the Credentials section, click on Create credentials and select OAuth client ID from the dropdown.

Google Project 8

Step 9

Select Web application in the dropdown. Insert the Authorized Redirect URI and the Authorized Javascript origins.

Where you can find both? Just open another browser tab and navigate to the TheBooking admin dashboard. Go to Settings > Google Calendar and copy the URIs from there. Ensure that you are pasting them in the correct destination fields.

Please note

Those URIs need to be https for security reasons. Therefore your website need to have an SSL certificate in order to use Google APIs. If the URIs that TheBooking displays are of http type, then ask to your hosting how to activate an SSL certificate.

Finally, hit the Create button.

Google Project 9

Step 10

Take note of the Client ID and Client Secret.

Google Project 10


Congratulations! You have successfully created and configured your Google Project. To use this with TheBooking, you need to enter the following three pieces of configuration into the plugin, which you should already have noted:

  • App name. The name you gave your Google Project.
  • Client ID. The unique identifier for your Google Project. You can find it in the "Credentials" section of your Google Cloud Console.
  • Client Secret. A secret key used to authenticate your Google Project with TheBooking. You can find it in the same "Credentials" section as the Client ID.

Once you have this information, head back to the Settings > Google Calendar section of TheBooking dashboard. You'll see fields for each of these configurations. Simply fill in the appropriate information, and you're ready to start integrating your Google Calendar with TheBooking!"

Heads up

When editing each field, hit the checkmark button to save the changes.

Google Project Save settings

Google Project 11