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Configuring frontend display options.

Show booked slots

TheBooking allows you to decide how booked slots are presented on the frontend. This setting is crucial for managing customer expectations and providing clarity on your service's availability.


  • Hide booked slots: by choosing this, any slot that has been reserved will not be visible to customers. This ensures a streamlined view, presenting only the slots that are currently open for booking.

  • Show booked slots: this option retains the visibility of booked slots, marking them as reserved. Displaying booked slots can give customers a comprehensive view of popularity and demand of your services, but it also means they'll see slots they can't book.


    Displaying booked slots can offer transparency and potentially encourage quicker bookings due to perceived demand. However, it might also clutter the view with unavailable options. Consider your clientele's preferences and the nature of your service when making a choice.


Only applies to Appointment service type.

Show slot customers

TheBooking provides you with the flexibility to display a list of attendees for each slot, enhancing transparency and coordination. However, it's essential to handle this feature with care due to privacy concerns.


  • Don't show: this is the default and most privacy-conscious option. No attendee information is displayed, ensuring complete privacy for your customers.

  • Show names: this option displays only the names of the attendees. It's a balanced choice that provides some transparency without revealing too much personal information.

  • Show email: revealing email addresses can be sensitive. While this option provides a direct way to contact attendees, be cautious and ensure that your customers are aware and have consented to this level of disclosure.

  • Show names and email: this is the most transparent option, displaying both names and email addresses. Before choosing this, ensure that you have explicit consent from your customers, and they are aware their details will be visible to others.

Privacy implications

Always prioritize your customers' privacy. Before enabling any option that displays personal information, ensure you're compliant with privacy regulations like GDPR, and you've obtained necessary consents. Inform your customers about how their information will be used and displayed.


Only applies to Appointment service type.

How to treat discarded available slots

Overlapping settings can lead to certain available slots being discarded to prevent scheduling conflicts. This setting allows you to determine how these discarded slots are presented to your customers.


  • Don't show: this option ensures that any discarded slots due to overlapping settings are hidden from view. It provides a clean interface, showing only the slots that are genuinely available for booking.

  • Show them as booked: instead of hiding discarded slots, this option displays them as if they've already been booked. This can give customers a clearer understanding of the overall booking landscape, even if they can't access those specific slots.


    While showing discarded slots as booked can provide more context, it might also lead to potential confusion or give the impression that your services are more in demand than they actually are. Weigh the pros and cons based on your specific business needs and customer preferences.


Only applies to Appointment service type.

Show start/end times

Configure how you display the timing details of each available slot to your customers. This setting is designed to offer clarity and cater to different presentation preferences.


  • Show start/end: this option displays both the starting and ending times of each available slot. It provides the most detailed view, allowing customers to see the full duration of the slot they're considering.

  • Hide: by choosing this, no specific time details will be shown for each slot. This might be suitable for services where the exact timing isn't crucial or to maintain a minimalist interface.

  • Show start time only: this option displays just the beginning time of each slot. It offers a balance between providing essential information and keeping the view uncluttered.


The way you present slot times can influence customer decisions. Showing full details might be appreciated for clarity, but a simpler view can be more user-friendly for quick bookings. Reflect on your service type and customer needs when selecting an option.


Only applies to Appointment service type.

Show provider name


This option is visible only when the Service Providers feature is active.

This feature is especially useful for businesses with multiple service providers, allowing customers to choose based on their preferences.

By activating this, the name of the service provider will be displayed alongside each available slot. This provides transparency and can be crucial for services where customers might have a preference for a specific provider.

Activating this option will turn the displayed provider name into a clickable hyperlink. When clicked, customers will be directed to the provider's profile page, offering them a deeper insight into the provider's background, qualifications, or any other relevant information.

Setup Tip

To link the provider's name to their profile page, ensure you've set the correct URL in the WordPress dashboard. Navigate to WordPress > Users > Edit > Website to input or update the profile page link for each provider.


While linking to profile pages can enhance trust, ensure that the linked pages are well-maintained, up-to-date, and offer valuable information to the customers. A poorly managed profile page might have the opposite effect on customer trust.

Capacity display


This option is visible only when the Time slot capacity exceeds 1.

When activated, the number of available units for each time slot will be displayed. This can be especially useful for group sessions, classes, or events where multiple bookings are allowed for a single slot. Customers can see how many spots are left, which can influence their decision to book.


Displaying capacity can create a sense of urgency, especially when only a few spots are left, potentially driving quicker bookings. On the other hand, if a service is rarely booked, showing a consistently high capacity might deter potential customers. Evaluate the pros and cons based on your service type and customer behavior.