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Google Integration


This section will only be visible if you have connected at least one Google Account.

In this section, we explore the settings tailored to enhance how the service interacts with Google Calendar.

Add reservation on Google Calendar

Once enabled, every time a reservation is made for this service, it will be automatically added as an event to any Google Calendar set as a destination for the corresponding availability plan.

Event title (booked slot)

Define a custom title for the reservation events that will be added to your Google Calendar. This title will be used to label the events created when a slot is booked, helping you quickly identify and differentiate reservations from other events in your calendar. Ensure the title is descriptive enough to provide context at a glance.

Event color (booked slot)

Choose a distinct color for the reservation events that will appear in your Google Calendar. This color-coding helps in visually distinguishing booked slots from other events, allowing for a more organized and intuitive view of your calendar.

Add customers as guests of the Google Calendar event

When this setting is activated, customers will be added as guests to the corresponding Google Calendar event for their reservation. This integration offers:

  • Google notifications: customers will receive notifications based on your Google Calendar's configured settings.
  • Event syncing: if customers have a Google Calendar, a copy of the reservation event will be added to it, giving them easy access to event details.
  • Privacy: while customers can view the event description, by default they won't have visibility into the guest list, ensuring other customers' privacy.

Activating this setting is generally not recommended. The increased notifications generated by Google Calendar can quickly consume the API quota limit, potentially disrupting the service.

Data Privacy Consideration

Storing customer data outside your website, especially in third-party platforms like Google Calendar, comes with responsibilities. It's essential to inform customers about how their data will be used and stored. Ensure you provide clear disclosures about data storage and usage, and be prepared to delete such data upon a customer's request. Before enabling this feature, it's recommended to consult with your site administrator or legal team to ensure compliance with all relevant data protection regulations and guidelines.

When this setting is activated, a Google Meet link will be automatically generated for each reservation made for this service.

Once a reservation is confirmed, a Google Meet link will be created and attached to the corresponding event in any Google Calendar set as destination for the availability plan from which the service is booked.

Both the service provider and the customer will have access to the Google Meet link, making virtual appointments straightforward and efficient.

Google Calendar event description content

Determine the content you'd like to be displayed in the event description of the Google Calendar when a reservation occurs. This setting provides flexibility in how much information about the reservation is visible within the calendar event.

Options include:

  • Empty content: no additional information will be added to the event description.

  • Standard details: the event description will include the customer's name, number of tickets, email, and phone number (when available).

  • Custom content: define your own content to be displayed in the event description. This option provides maximum flexibility, allowing you to tailor the description to your specific needs. You can use dynamic placeholders, but you can't use HTML code.

Privacy Alert

If customers are added as guests to the Google Calendar event, be cautious about the information you include in the event description. It may be visible to them. Always prioritize the privacy of customer data and ensure compliance with relevant data protection regulations.

Set a Google Calendar reminder for reserved slot

Ensure you never miss a reserved slot by setting up a reminder in your Google Calendar. This feature allows you to receive notifications ahead of the reserved time, helping you stay organized and prepared.


These reminders are managed and sent by Google Calendar.