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Time slots

Configure the behaviour of the timeslots for the service.


Only applies to Appointment service type.

Slot duration configuration

Imagine you've set an availability plan as follows:

Every day Monday to Friday: from 8:00am to 11:00am and from 2:00pm to 6:00pm

On a typical Monday, this results in two availability intervals:

  • 8:00am to 11:00am (3 hours)
  • 2:00pm to 6:00pm (4 hours)

Those intervals are divided into timeslots depending on how this setting is configured:

Use the entire available interval

By selecting this option, you can treat these intervals as single, extended timeslots. This means on Monday, you'd offer just 2 slots: one lasting 3 hours and another lasting 4 hours.

By default, the plugin divides these intervals into fixed-duration time slots. so assuming that this service has a duration of 1 hour, in the example above you have 7 total time slots on Monday (3 from 8:00am to 11:00am and 4 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm).

Fixed duration

By selecting this option, the plugin divides these intervals into fixed-duration time slots. This is the default behavior.

So, if you set the duration to 1 hour, you'd have 7 available slots on Monday: 3 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon.

Time slot capacity

Each time slot is set to accommodate a single reservation by default.

However, if you wish to allow for multiple bookings or units within the same slot, simply specify the maximum capacity a single slot can handle for this service. Think of these units as tickets, seats, or spots that a customer can reserve, even selecting multiple units within a single reservation if the capacity allows.

On the user-facing widget, customers will see the number of available units for each time slot.

Buffer between consecutive slots


This option is visible only when the time slot duration is fixed.

In scheduling, buffer time refers to the additional period allocated between appointments or reservations. This time can be used for various purposes, such as preparation for the next appointment, cleaning, or simply to ensure there's no overlap between consecutive bookings.

The primary advantage of buffer time is that it maintains the integrity of the appointment duration presented to the customer. This means that if a customer books a 1-hour slot, they get the full hour, with the buffer time ensuring no overlaps or rushed transitions.


Consider a Dental Care service as an illustration. After each appointment, we require a 10-minute window for cleaning and preparation. Instead of extending the slot duration, which would reduce the actual time a patient receives, we introduce a buffer. This way, if a patient books a 50-minute session, they genuinely receive those 50 minutes of service. The subsequent 10-minute buffer ensures the facility is ready for the next patient without infringing on the previous slot.

Buffer configuration


This option is visible only when the time slot duration is fixed and the buffer time is greater than 0.

Depending on your specific needs, you can choose how the buffer time is applied:

  • Always computed between slots
    With this option, a consistent buffer time is maintained between all time slots, regardless of whether they are booked or free. This ensures a predictable and uniform distribution of slots. It's the default option and is recommended for most use cases to maintain a consistent schedule.

  • Only computed around booked slots
    This option applies the buffer time only around slots that have been booked. As a result, whenever a new reservation is made, the free time slots get redistributed to accommodate the buffer. This can lead to an unpredictable schedule and might confuse customers. It's not the recommended approach unless you have a specific need for such behavior.

Slots filling


This option is visible only when the time slot duration is fixed and when at least one overlapping block is configured.

The manner in which time slots are presented and managed can be influenced by external factors, such as blocking events or reservations from other services. Especially in scenarios where the duration of these external events doesn't align with the standard duration of the current service's time slots, it's crucial to determine how these slots should be adjusted.

TheBooking offers two distinct strategies for handling such situations:

  • Fixed: with this approach, time slots remain consistent and adhere to their original segmentation. Even if a blocking event or another service's reservation disrupts the regular flow, the slots will not be reconfigured. This ensures predictability but might lead to underutilized time gaps.

  • Adaptive: opting for this method allows the system to dynamically adjust the time slots to make the most of the available time. If a blocking event or reservation from another service occurs, the slots will be reshaped to maximize the available times, ensuring efficient utilization of the schedule.

Your choice between these strategies should reflect your business needs and the experience you aim to provide for your customers. If maintaining a consistent schedule is paramount, the Fixed approach might be more suitable. However, if you prioritize flexibility and maximizing available times, the Adaptive method could be more beneficial.

Max user tickets per slot


This option is visible only when the time slot capacity exceeds 1

Define the upper limit of units a single customer can reserve for a specific slot. Setting this to 0 allows the customer to book up to the total available units for that slot.

Block after one reservation


This option is visible only when the time slot capacity exceeds 1

Even if a reservation doesn't fill all available units for a time slot, enabling this setting prevents further bookings for that same slot.

Lead Time Restriction

Adjust this setting to prevent last-minute reservations for upcoming time slots. This can help in managing preparations, ensuring staff readiness, or simply avoiding unexpected bookings.

For example, if you set a 2-hour lead time, customers won't be able to book a slot if it starts in 2 hours or less.


By default, this restriction applies to the start time of the slot. However, you can modify it to reference the * *end** time if needed.

Opening Lead Time

Use this setting to define when upcoming time slots become available for reservations. This can help in managing demand, pacing your bookings, or offering last-minute slots.

For instance, by setting a 2-day window, customers can only start booking a slot if it's 2 days or less away from its start time.