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Set a price for the service. If the service is free, simply set the price to zero.


To change the currency and the way in which the price is displayed, head over to the Settings > Core > General section of the plugin.

How payment is required


This option is visible only when the Price is greater than 0.

TheBooking provides flexibility in how you wish to handle payments for your services. Depending on your business model and preferences, you can select from three payment methods:

  • Online
    When this option is selected, customers are required to make their payment online during the booking process. If the payment isn't completed within the Pending payment expiration time as specified in Settings > Core > General, the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
  • Local
    With this method, TheBooking won't process the payment. Instead, you'll need to manually mark the reservation as Paid once the payment is received locally, perhaps in-person or through another offline method.
  • Discretionary
    This flexible option allows customers to decide how they'd like to pay. They can choose to pay online during the booking process or opt to pay later, perhaps upon receiving the service or through another local method.